Welcome everybody, here is a short introduction of EMOTER's work. Press "play" to start the video.
EMOTER is a non-profit organization that brings medical care and improving the overall standard of living in Uganda to those who need us. We are a team of doctors, health professionals and other enthusiasts from the Czech Republic and Uganda who believe that health care is a basic human right for everyone, regardless of where they were born. Our mission is to improve the availability of basic health care in rural areas to people who do not normally have access to it. Our vision is to bring lasting improvement to the lives of vulnerable people in the West Nile region. humanitarian aid, non-governmental organization,
EMOTER is an abbreviation for Essential Medical Outreach and Treatment Rescue. The main focus of our work is medical outreaches. The resulting acronym “emoter” also means “the one who shows emotions”.
Even though we are based in Brno, Czech Republic, we run our activities mainly in Uganda. Precisely in Nebbi, Arua and Pakwach, where we go with our project Medical Outreach. Our goal is to cover the whole West Nile area.
We chose Nebbi district because it has more than 350 000 of inhabitants and only two hospitals.

EMOTER was founded by three medical students. Now headed by our director Dr. Lenka Karahutova, the team is made up primarily of women, which we are very proud to say.
In a few months, we learned the basics of accounting, programming, fundraising, and even bargaining for medicament prices. Find out how we are transparent and sustainable:

Loono, a non-profit organization, invited our founder Dr. Lenka Karahutova to be a guest speaker on their podcast. In the podcast, you will learn about the various pitfalls of founding a non-profit organization and a snippet of our plans. We wish you a pleasant listening!
Heart Medicine Podcast, from the University of Karlova, had Lenka as the guest of their 72nd episode.
"Politics is a hot topic in Uganda. The people there don't really understand the new law against the LGBTQ community."
How to get on a mission in Uganda? What does the word "muzungu" mean to Ugandans?
These and other questions are addressed during the episode. Check it out.
I highly appreciate the small organizations that want to change the world.
I think nobody in the world is alone. As the saying goes: "Man is not an island." And when the help is not only local, it shows the wide heart of helpers. It's great that you know the project in detail, that money from donors is not lost somewhere in the space. I keep my fingers crossed for you and I wish EMOTER a lot of strength.

Barbara Nesvadbova, Czech writer
The organisation is a Non-Governmental Organisation working with marginalised people - youths and the sick. They operate in all the 16 selected sub-counties of Nebbi District, especially in areas of medical services and education. The youths and other vulnerable community members are mostly benefiting from their services.
Urombi Emmanuel, District Chairperson
volunteers traveled with us
to Uganda
preventive services provided
We are currently actively involved in 4 projects aimed at improving the living conditions of the people of Uganda. Essential for us is the sustainability of individual projects.

treated patients
during outreaches
We provide medical care
Medical Outreach is a medical mission when our team of volunteers travel to remote areas of Uganda. It is basically “medicine in the jungle” because we build our mobile aid station where our team then provides primary treatment, laboratory tests, preventive care and medicines. During the three-day trip, we can treat more than 2,000 patients, which we also educate in the field of prevention.
We fight infectious diseases
As part of the prevention program, we focus mainly on vaccination (for ex. against tetanus or HPV, which can cause cervical cancer), as well as the distribution of vitamins and deworming tablets. During trips and planned educational workshops, we teach children how to wash their hands properly and take care of their health. We keep careful records of all our patients to prevent revaccination with an already used vaccine.
We help raising a new generation
As part of an educational project, we organize educational workshops directly in schools and we focus on personal hygiene, reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and prevention of common diseases in the community such as malaria. However, during the coronavirus crisis, when schools were closed, we managed to react and educate as well, in the form of radio, which is the most used communication channel for locals.
We educate disadvantaged young people
The project focuses on young adults who, due to lack of funds, are unable to finish formal schooling, with a special focus on disadvantaged groups such as single mothers or people with disabilities who face stigma. With our help, they learn not only practical skills such as tailoring, farming, mechanic or hairdressing, but also how to write a CV and prepare for a job interview, how to use a computer or smartphone to promote their business or how to manage finances and save.
At that time, the idea of helping was born in the head of a Czech medical student and laboratory technician from Uganda.
We have not slowed down. We have sent masks, condoms and other aids to Uganda. We were learning, and in autumn, we won the jury’s award in the Social Impact Award competition and the prize of 40 000 CZK.
year 2022
In 2022 we received the Quality Label from the European Solidarity Corps as a certificate that our organization has the capacity to implement quality volunteer activities in support of humanitarian operations.
autumn 2022
In 2022, EMOTER was awarded as part of the SDGs awards, which are awarded by the Association of Social Responsibility for fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations. Despite great competition, we won 2nd place in the Development Cooperation, Peace and Partnership category.
year 2023
We managed to build a house for the accommodation of volunteers and a new branch of EMOTER in Nebbi, which it will ensure better running of the organization and in the future we plan to use it to regularly dispense medicines to chronically ill patients.
By 2028, we want to ensure the digitization of our patient records and thus streamline our processes.
We started our own NGO, and already in March, we have treated more than 2,000 people during the medical outreach. Then the covid-19 pandemic made our activities much more difficult.
year 2021
In 2021, our project was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. We plan 6 outreaches and treat up to 12,000 citizens. New products should also be added to our e-shop during the year.
year 2022
In 2022, our project was supported by SlovakAid (MFA SR). As part of the Little Project, we treated 8,517 patients and provided 7,679 preventive services in Nebbi in 6 months.
year 2023
In 2023, the European Solidarity Corps supported the BUSHCORP of WN (Building skilled and healthy communities among rural people of West Nile Uganda) project, where EMOTER is the main coordinator for two other non-profit organizations participating in the project.
In 2024, our project was again supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. We are planning 5 trips in each of Nebbi, Arua and Pakwach districts to treat up to 22,500 residents.
In the future, we want to start building our own hospital and school for medical personnel in Nebbi.
More than anything, we need your help, and more than ever, we need it right now. Contribute any amount to us, become one of our proud partners or expand our range.
Donate any amount or organize a charity event and raise money for EMOTER.
Support our activities with a material or financial gift and become a proud partner of EMOTER.
Help us create graphic content, reach out to companies or come with us to help Uganda as a health professional.

Adam Bílek
Adéla Sedláčková
Alena Nemergutová
Andrea Javůrková
Andy Pavelcová
Anna Karahutová
Anna Manousopoulou
Anna Sanstruckova
Barbora Medková
Blanka Sigmundová
Daniel Joudal
Danka Safková
Darina Hiscsáková
Daška Gardošíková
David Lauer
Dora Čapková
Edita Šmahelová
Eliška Luzarová
Emma Brnánková
Eva Foksová
Eva Stejskalová
Gabriela Novosadová
Igor Urban
Ilona Straková
Ivana Mačeková
Ivana Psotová
Jakub Adamec
Jakub Pěchouček
Jan Janota
Jan Mrázek
Jana Doležalová Koppová
Jana Žulová
Jindřiška Váchalová
Jiří Kaplan
Jiří Kozel
Jozef Matasovsky
Juliana Kosutova
Juraj Adamišin
Juraj Janičko
Kamil Chytka
Karina Eismanová
Katarína Bitterová
Kieu My Chau
Kristína Krastevová
Kristýna Bačůvková
Kristýna Šraibrová
Ladislav Kubišta
Lenka Dospivová
Lenka Vohradníková
Lubomír Vadura
Lucie Cingálková
Lucie Nováková
Ľudmila Andreánská
Mária Dedinová
Mária Drobňáková
Mária Groľová
Mária Janičková
Mária Stankovičová
Martin Kalabis
Martin Kolda
Martina Fořtová
Michaela Kríková
Michal Hutera
Michal Schwarz
Milada Ottová
Milena Šupichová
Miloš Janičko
Miroslava Pešková
Monika Motlová
Nataša Nagyová
Nicolas Alvarez
Oleksii Kyzyma
Ondrej Adamišin
Paul Zeltvay
Pavlína Čepová
Peter a Zdenka Weissovi
Peter Neščivera
Peter Poševka
Petr Janota
Petr Štěpánek
Petra Císařová
Petra Hanáková
Radek Novotný
Radka Dostálová
Richard Český
Richard Glankovič
Richard Ulrych
Robert Karaba
Samuel Rajpoot
Samuel Smoter
Šárka Špániková
Tereza Pomezná
Tereza Sládková
Tomáš Janota
Veronika Fiamoli
Veronika Rančáková
Viera Neščiverová
Viktor Šmahel
Viktorie Neumannová
Vojtěch Špinar
Zdeňka Kučerová
Zuzana Kormaníková
Zuzana Zatloukalová
Žaneta Stiborová
A huge thanks goes to everyone who decided to support us financially or in any other way. Thank you for your support.


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