In the Medical Outreach project, EMOTER is dedicated to providing medical care to people who do not normally have access to it. We focus mainly on the Nebbi district, where there are only two hospitals per 350,000 inhabitants. Regularly so we set out with a team of health workers in peripheral areas, where for a few days, we build our "mobile field office." We inform the community well in advance about the outreach and then treat, dispense medication and provide consultations, as well as basic laboratory tests.
Every quarter we buy necessary medicines, materials, test kits and go to Nebbi district. Organizationally, stations for registration, prevention and own medical consultations are divided on the spot. We keep a record of each treated patient, and he/she also receives a medical report when he/she leaves us. During the outreach, we also try to educate adults.
We operate our activities in Uganda, specifically in Kampala, the Nebbi district, Arua and Pakwach, where we travel with our Medical Outreach project. The Nebbi district is located in the northeast of the country, and we chose it because it has more than 350,000 inhabitants, with only 2 hospitals.
NEBBI 3/2020
The March outreach in Nebbi took place in collaboration with the Edu Child Foundation Uganda. We treated more than 2,700 patients in three days. On the first day, we went to Pawong Parish, the second day to Ayomo Parish and the third day we helped in Jupangira and Goli Parish. Look at the photos from the outreach in the gallery at the top of the page.
NEBBI 3-4/2021
After long waiting for the opening of the borders, which were closed as part of the coronavirus measures, we finally returned to Nebbi. Our trip was four days long this time and we provided 3291 interventions during it. We vaccinated 308 children, supplied vitamin A to 554 children, treated 1396 patients and dewormed 1033 of them. Read the story of our director Lenka about how the whole trip went and what happened.
area: 1,953 km2
population: 350,000
number of hospitals: 2
(map of Uganda, arrow
points at Nebbi location)
treated patients