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More than anything, we need your help, and more than ever, we need it right now. Contribute any amount to us and support our work.


people in Uganda live with HIV

73 %

of the total population lives on less than $3,4 per day


children suffer from malnutrition and growth deprivation


citizens do not have access to drinking water near the dwelling


EMOTER is looking for companies and individuals who would like to participate in our project in Uganda. We offer several possibilities of cooperation. From our side, it comes to providing attractive promotion of your company and sharing your logo on our website and social networks. As for your part, it may be a financial contribution, a material gift (products we use in Uganda), long-term cooperation or even a form of promotion. Any donation will help us get one step closer to our goal. Be part of our story and help us fulfil our vision!


Mail us at or call +421 910 337 411



Young doctors,  website

The Association of Young Doctors is a unique voluntary initiative of young Czech doctors who work together to improve the conditions of post-medschool education in Czech hospitals. They help to change the health care system and actively contribute to the discussion in the framework of political events. They represent the voice of young doctors, advise and help them. They also help and support many other associations, such as us, both financially and with their know-how.


Galilee Community General Hospital,  website

We are grateful to Galilee Community General Hospital for providing medical supplies and assistance in organizing the outreach. Many thanks to the hospital staff who go on outreaches with us.


Pepino,  website

Pepino supplies us with condoms, which we distribute in Uganda during our trips as part of prevention and education about the spread of HIV.


Ministery of foreign affairs Czech Republic,  website

Thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, we were able to plan another 6 outreaches in 2021 and cover part of our costs from the official development assistance of the Czech Republic.


SIA, Impact Hub Praha,  website

The Social Impact Award is an acceleration program for young socially beneficial innovators under the age of 30, which in 2020 allowed us to learn how to start a startup properly. In the final, we were awarded the jury prize, which we greatly appreciate.


Ria,  website

Ria company supplies us with period supplies, such as tampons or pads, which we then distribute during our prevention seminars or medical outreaches.


Edu Child Foundation Uganda, Youngesters love Africa Foundation,  website

Many thanks to the two non-profit Ugandan organizations that help us organize the outreaches and provide us with their staff, who then help with the administration or preparation of refreshments for the waiting patients.

Google, Canva, Techsoup website

We would also like to thank the platforms that have provided us with their products for free or are helping us to do so.

logo_edited.png website

Together with the portal, you can support Emoter when shopping online, and you will not pay an extra crown. Based on the cashback principle, Givt supports hundreds of organizations and, among others, us. We are proud of our cooperation. Download Givt to your browser and help with online shopping.


Development and Counselling Centre VŠE website

Thanks to the free advertising provided by the Development and Counselling Centre VŠE, we can offer internships for students of the University of Economics in the field of accounting and fundraising on their website.


Hedvábná, website is a website for all adventurers and travel lovers. It boasts an online guide to all countries of the world and reports, travelogues and interviews from the world of travel. It brings advice and tips about health on the road, ethno-kitchen, photography or religion. Here you will find a calendar of events, a live discussion and tips on travel equipment

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