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Založila neziskovku, aby pomáhala v Ugandě


She started a non-profit to help in Uganda

Translated interview from ŽENA-IN

10. 3. 2021


Nyní tam kvůli koronaviru nemůže jezdit, zatímco lidé stále umírají na nemoci, které předtím snadno vyléčila. Během studií na 3. lékařské fakultě Univerzity Karlovy v Praze Lenka Karahutová několikrát odjela do Ugandy...


Now, because of coronavirus, she is not allowed there, and people are still dying of other diseases. During her studies at the 3rd Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague, Lenka Karahutová went to Uganda to help with health care several times.

„Během studia medicíny jsem vyrazila na stáž do Ugandy. Den co den jsem najednou viděla lidi, kterým se nedostává pomoci, protože léčba nebo jen samotná cesta do nemocnice je příliš drahá. Navíc čím dál člověk žije od města, tím méně je zdravotní péče dostupná. Kvůli tomu jsem nezůstala jen u jedné návštěvy a rozhodla se s týmem mediků a lékařů založit organizaci, která bude pomáhat dlouhodobě,“ popisuje Lenka Karahutová, čerstvá absolventka 3. lékařské fakulty UK v Praze.

Co se týče nejčastějších zdravotních problémů, se kterými se lékařka v Ugandě setkala, jde o malárii, respirační infekce, záněty močových cest, gastroenteritidy či mykózy. Většina těchto problémů se dá přitom vyřešit léky. Problémem je však v Ugandě jejich nedostupnost hlavně v odlehlých komunitách.

Sama Lenka v Ugandě několikrát byla a EMOTER tam má natrvalo ugandskou část týmu. Jinak se ovšem fungování organizace a zejména potřebná pomoc vlivem koronaviru velmi zkomplikovala.

„Zrovna touhle dobou jsem měla být v Ugandě spolu se dvěma dalšími mediky na stáži. Bohužel, koronavirus naše plány změnil. Uganda má od začátku pandemie zavřené hranice i letiště a zavedla mnoho přísných opatření. Klasické lékařské výjezdy jsem tak museli vyměnit za distribuci roušek a dezinfekce a také kondomů. Počet nechtěných těhotenství totiž jako vedlejší efekt pandemie roste,“ říká Karahutová.

Kvůli covidu tak obyvatelé Ugandy přicházejí o možnost lékařské péče. O tu byl přitom velký zájem. Když se ještě mohli realizovat lékařské výjezdy, přišla třeba celá vesnice a během tří dnů zvládli dobrovolníci ve spolupráci s tamní neziskovkou ošetřit více než 2 700 pacientů.

„Místní jsou za veškerou péči hrozně vděční a váží si jí. Někteří si mě dokonce chtěli jako výraz vděku vzít. Výsledkem přísných opatření kvůli koronaviru je nicméně to, že roste počet úmrtí na nemoci a komplikace, které s covidem jako takovým nesouvisejí. V Ugandě je podle oficiálních informací momentálně kolem 4800 potvrzených případů koronaviru a asi 55 úmrtí. Země má zavedená výrazná opatření – kromě hranic a letišť jsou zavřené i školy. Funguje zákaz nočního vycházení, lidé přicházejí o práci, trpí hladem a nemají ani dostatek ochranných pomůcek a krevních transfuzí,“ líčí mladá lékařka.
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The unsatisfactory situation there subsequently gave her the courage to co-found the non-profit organization EMOTER at the age of 25. However, paradoxically, her desire to help with disease management in Uganda is spoiled by another illness - coronavirus.
"During my medical studies, I went on an internship in Uganda. Every day I suddenly saw people who could not get help because the treatment or even just the trip to the hospital was too expensive. Besides, the further from the city one lives, the less available health care is. Because of this, I did not stay for only one visit and decided with the team of medical students and doctors to found an organization that will help in the long run, " describes Lenka Karahutová, a recent graduate of the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague.
The most common health problems that the young doctor has encountered in Uganda were malaria, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, and mycosis. Most of these can be solved with medication. However, the problem in Uganda is their unavailability, especially in remote communities.
Lenka herself has been in Uganda several times, and EMOTER has a permanent Ugandan branch. Otherwise, the organization’s functioning and especially the necessary help due to the coronavirus became very complicated.
"I should have been in Uganda right now with two other medical students on an internship. Unfortunately, the coronavirus has changed our plans. Uganda had closed its borders and airports at the beginning of the pandemic and has put in place many strict measures. We had to exchange classical medical outreaches for the distribution of facemasks and disinfectants, and condoms. The number of unwanted pregnancies is growing as a side effect of the pandemic," says Karahutová.
As a result of covid, Uganda’s people are losing the possibility of getting medical care, even though the demand is high. When medical outreaches could still take place, the whole community would come. In approximately three days, the volunteers would treat more than 2,700 patients in cooperation with the local non-profit organization.
"The locals are very grateful for all the care and appreciate it very much. Some even wanted to marry me as an expression of gratitude. However, the result of strict measures taken as prevention of covid is that the number of deaths from diseases and complications unrelated to covid itself increases. According to official information, there are currently around 4,800 confirmed coronavirus cases and about 55 deaths in Uganda. The country has strict measures in place - in addition to borders and airports, schools are also closed. There is a ban on going out at night, people are losing their jobs, they suffer from hunger, and do not even have enough protective equipment and blood derivates for transfusions available," says the young doctor.
The most common health problems that the young doctor has encountered in Uganda were malaria, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, and mycosis. Most of these can be solved with medication. However, the problem in Uganda is their unavailability, especially in remote communities.
Lenka herself has been in Uganda several times, and EMOTER has a permanent Ugandan branch. Otherwise, the organization’s functioning and especially the necessary help due to the coronavirus became very complicated.
"I should have been in Uganda right now with two other medical students on an internship. Unfortunately, the coronavirus has changed our plans. Uganda had closed its borders and airports at the beginning of the pandemic and has put in place many strict measures. We had to exchange classical medical outreaches for the distribution of facemasks and disinfectants, and condoms. The number of unwanted pregnancies is growing as a side effect of the pandemic," says Karahutová.
As a result of covid, Uganda’s people are losing the possibility of getting medical care, even though the demand is high. When medical outreaches could still take place, the whole community would come. In approximately three days, the volunteers would treat more than 2,700 patients in cooperation with the local non-profit organization.
"The locals are very grateful for all the care and appreciate it very much. Some even wanted to marry me as an expression of gratitude. However, the result of strict measures taken as prevention of covid is that the number of deaths from diseases and complications unrelated to covid itself increases. According to official information, there are currently around 4,800 confirmed coronavirus cases and about 55 deaths in Uganda. The country has strict measures in place - in addition to borders and airports, schools are also closed. There is a ban on going out at night, people are losing their jobs, they suffer from hunger, and do not even have enough protective equipment and blood derivates for transfusions available," says the young doctor.
Translated interview from:

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