The EMOTER team has three core values that guide us and also help us differentiate ourselves from other organizations. These include transparency, sustainability and equity of care.
We want our donors and partners to know exactly what we are using their money for and thus trust us. That is why EMOTER regularly publishes its annual report, which shows the financial results for last year. In addition, it is possible to monitor the movement of funds on the transparent account and also within our public crowdfunding
with the reference number MHMP 1711425/2020, which has been approved by the Prague City administration since 16.11.2020.
EMOTER's work consists of 4 fundamental pillars - Medical Outreach, Preventive Program, Educational Project and Charity Work. Our goal is for everyone to be meaningful and sustainable in the future. Our main goal is that one day our help in Nebbi district will no longer be needed.
The annual increase in Uganda is 3,4%, so in 2030, about half a million people could live in Nebbi. There are a total of 2 hospitals for such a mass of people, one of which one can doubt its functionality. Other medical care is either voluntary or individual. The second significant problem is the high neonatal and overall infant mortality rate. This table shows children's death rate in the age of 0-4 years according to selected causes in 2015. We think that this number is greatly underestimated and that no one is reporting child deaths in remote areas. Moreover, these data are probably registered in hospitals, which, as already mentioned, are almost non-existent in Nebbi.

That is why our long-term goal is to build a hospital with maternity and neonatal ward in Arua-the regional business centre where many people can afford specialized health services.
The private wing of the hospital could generate income that could support charitable work for the rural communities and sustain medical treatments for vulnerable people.
We also plan to build a house for expecting mothers at risk, close to the hospital, so even women who live in rural areas can have access to a safe pregnancy.
We also want to open a school for midwives and nurses.
We would then continue our medical outreaches, and we will build a clinic in Nebbi district dedicated to managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, psychiatric conditions and HIV.
This is the only way to solve low-quality care problems in Nebbi in a long-term and sustainable way.

As part of the prevention program, during our outreaches, we provide vaccination against HPV, tetanus, rubella and measles. Theoretically, every child should have a vaccination card stating when they were vaccinated with which vaccine. However, HPV and tetanus vaccinations are not mandatory. To prevent multiple vaccinations, we want to issue our own vaccination cards to children who do not have a card yet, which we will print in cooperation with the Copy General.
EMOTER keeps an extensive table of patients' names and procedures from the outreaches, so we can vaccinate the next dose on the next trip, for example with the HPV vaccination plan. We are vaccinating with Gardasil (formerly known as Silgard). For children aged 9-13 years, the scheme is 0-6 months. For children 14 years and older, the scheme is 0-2-6 months. Children who do not have a card and refuse to get it will not be vaccinated. We try to use their existing one or issue our card.
The card also states vitamin A supplementation, which we give to the children once every six months as part of prevention. Deworming with mebendazole or albendazole in various doses depending on age also takes place every six months. It is recommended for children up to 5 years of age. We want to serve it to everyone, including adults.
We are developing a digital patient information system and a communal health insurance scheme, first to be used during our medical outreach and then to become a pilot for our clinic and the general Ugandan healthcare system.
The prevention program is followed by an educational program, where we want to lead children from an early age to better health education, so we can prevent certain diseases or even unplanned parenthood. Sustainability is unquestionable. Better education itself should improve health condition.
That's why we provide health education classes in local schools, tailored according to the age of the students.
Furthermore, we have also founded the Skills Development Academy in Nebbi, where young disadvantaged people learn both practical (tailoring, hairdressing, agriculture and mechanic) and theoretical (soft skills- CV writing, job interviews, budgeting...) skills. We plan to develop it in order to provide other vocational classes, such as catering and carpentry.
And we are also planning to insert in each cohort Sexual and Reproductive Health sessions.
Our educational workshop also covers HIV on reproductive health, which will support sustainability.
The third of our values ensures that EMOTER will provide care to everyone who needs it, regardless of age, gender, religion, education or sexual orientation. We believe that everyone deserves our help.
Support our activities with a financial gift or organize a charity event where you can raise money for us. Maybe you own a company or another business and would like to become our partner. Or did you think of joining our team? If so, don't hesitate and get involved. EMOTER needs your help more than ever.